It's nice to laugh sometimes
23 September 2004 13:02
This morning I'm wrapping up the PowerEdge::RAC Perl module as an rpm. RAC is Dell's Remote Access Controller (not to be confused with Oracle's Real Application Clusters), a server option that lets you remotely admin a server, performing tasks such as power-cycling the server, collecting stats and so forth, even when the regular network interfaces aren't up. The PowerEdge::RAC Perl module makes a lot of that functionality available via Perl, which is uber-good. Just about anything that lets me access functionality via Perl is a Good Thing(tm) in my book.
So as I'm building the rpm, it gets to the 'make test' stage of the module build, and spits this out:
Some of the tests require access to an existing RAC card.
I promise not to power_off() your server.
Do you want me to run the live tests ? [n]
It's nice on occasion to come across things in otherwise mundane matters that cause you to laugh outloud :-).